Easy, Virtual Site Inspections

Powerful visibility into your projects right from your web browser

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Accurate Progress Tracking

Experience the power of weekly drone topos for tracking project progress
Available within 24 hrs
Personal customer service
Accurate up to 1/10’
Powerful tools for analysis
Enabling the whole team
Proven on over 1000 projects
Smarter Site Work

A visual site work management platform for the entire project team.

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Record Progress
Compare Surfaces
Overlay Project Plans

Track and measure project progress remotely

TraceAir’s platform makes it easy to visually compare and measure changes from week to week. In seconds, builders can check when a stockpile appeared, when equipment arrived, grading progress, or identify errors and damage.

Cut/Fill Balance
Heat Map
Cross Section

Eliminate dirt busts and save money

TraceAir offers a comprehensive solution that eliminates the challenges associated with monitoring and quantifying dirt balance. Our platform empowers teams to visualize, quantify, and maintain historical records of dirt movement, ensuring seamless project management and accountability.

Cut/Fill Balance
Overlay Project Plans

Reduce risk from dirt busts and costly errors

TraceAir provides near real-time insights into construction progress using project document overlays of weekly topographic scans. By identifying discrepancies between as-designed and as-built work, TraceAir empowers builders to make informed decisions swiftly, keeping projects on track and within budget.

Elevation & Coordinates
Cross Section

Communicate seamlessly across project teams

TraceAir’s platform transforms meetings and improves construction management with accurate project visuals and communication tools. With one easily accessible source of truth, TraceAir promotes better, faster decision making.

"With TraceAir, we’ve successfully tracked progress and dirt movement on Harvest Green every step of the way. From the start, working with TraceAir has been super easy. The platform is simple to use, so I don’t have questions often, but when I do, the customer success team is always right there to help.”

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David Hogue
Vice President and General Manager of Harvest Green, Johnson Development

"Without TraceAir, we could have gone back and forth on this for another month, and at that point they would have been done with the job and we would have been stuck with that dirt. At the end of the project, we could have had a huge pile of dirt we would have to move. This could have easily cost us a couple hundred thousand dollars.”

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Tom Woliver
Co-President, Oxland

"A huge benefit of TraceAir is being able to verify the accuracy of what’s happening in the field and hold everyone accountable. Sometimes we get change orders that rely a lot on dirt movement and dirt quantities, and we can verify those are accurate. So if we get a change order of moving 50,000 cubic yards of dirt, and maybe they'll only move 10, we can really hold our contractors accountable.
This saves us a lot of time and money."

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Heath Melton
Phoenix Division President,
Howard Hughes

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Want to learn more? Let us show you how TraceAir can help you achieve site balance, accelerate your schedule, and save money.